Summer Camp 2024 in Amsterdam
We do as much outside as possible during the Summer Camp. Therefore, it is essential that the kids are dressed accordingly. This way they can enjoy fully the sports and games. This way, they can discover and experience and find the challenges in the activities. What we offer is sportive but also creative challenges. It is something that kids can learn playfully.
A grasp of the activities we may offer during the camp: archery, laser tag, bubble football, archery tag, VR Cops and Robbers, and painting workshops. This and more could be part of the day program. Many of the activities require teamwork, which makes it easier to get in contact with each other and make new friends. Will you be coming to the Kids' camp for the whole week? Then you’ll have more chances to participate in all the activities.
8 to 13 years
08:30AM – 09:00AM bring your kid
04:45PM – 05:15PM pick up your kid
Number of days
You can book from 1 day.
Free T-shirt
Book 3 days or more and get a free sports T-shirt.
Food and drinks
Bring your own: lunch + snacks for two breaks + a water bottle.
Dates 2024
Week 1: 22-07 till 26-07
Week 2: 29-07 till 02-08
Week 3: 05-08 till 09-08
Week 4: 12-08 till 16-08
Week 5: 19-08 till 23-08
Example summer camp in Amsterdam
- bring your kid
- group classification and introduction
- activities round 1
- pause
- activities round 2
- lunch
- activities round 3
- pause
- activities round 4
- end the day and free playing
- pick up time